The Animals Songs Lyrics

The Animals lyrics - 110 song lyrics sorted by album including The House Of The Rising Sun Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood We Gotta Get Out Of This Place.
The animals songs lyrics. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go Version 1 A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go Version 2. Wag Your Tail 12. How Much Is That Doggie In The Window.
The animals the animals Trapped trapped trapped till the cage is full The cage is full Stay awake In the dark count mistakes The light was off but now its on Searching the ground for a bitter song The sun is out the day is new And everyone is waiting waiting on you And youve got time And youve got time Think of all the roads Think of all their crossings Taking steps is. These animal song lyrics are available from a variety of albums. All the animals are playing in the band.
Animal songs for kids are always a win. Get Off Your High Horse Lady - Oasis. A Cat and a Dog Got into a Fight.
Get those animals out of the muddy muddy Children of the Lord. All the animals are playing in the band. Super Simple Songs - Animals Album.
Baby Im preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals animals like animals-mals Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent from. Oh rise and shout and give God your glory glory. A Dogs Life - Wild Beasts.
The animals went in three by three hurrah hurrah The animals went in three by three hurrah hurrah. Lets Go Shiloh Animals they make animal sounds Ill name the animals and you make the sounds Doggie Woof Woof Doggie Woof Woof Animals they make. Insects and mythical animals are omitted as are indirect title references such as a persons name that may also be an animal.